McPherson College Spring Choir Concert


By Toni Snyder

The McPherson College Choir held its first concert of the semester on March 12th, 2018. This concert was peculiar as it was held in collaboration with the McPherson High School Choir and also incorporated the McPherson College band director, Kyle Hopkins. The College performed a total of six songs, two of which were sung with the High School choirs. During this concert, both the High School Director and McPherson College choir director, Nick Griggs and James Bowyer respectively, agreed that they hope to make this joint concert an annual event. If you missed this concert, everyone is welcome to attend an open house concert in the choir room on April 13th, 2018. The choir will be performing multiple pieces for anybody who decides to wander in. During this, you will experience the beautiful talent of the McPherson College Choir, see how the class is run, and hopefully even decide to join our growing family yourself. If the welcoming atmosphere, or the amazing talent isn’t enough for you, the McPherson College choir is also planned to tour around Jamaica in January of 2019!