COVID Craziness: Opinions on Campus Regulations


By Hannah Butler 

The corona-virus has caused life to be crazy these last few months. There’s been a lot of change to our everyday lives and it feels like the world might never get back to normal. I’m sure none of us expected our college experience to ever be affected this greatly. There’s a lot that’s different and the college has done a good job at being prepared to keep everyone on campus safe. 

Face masks have been a very touchy subject for everyone. Personally, I don’t mind wearing a mask as long as it keeps myself and others safe. They’re a good preventative measure on top of social distancing, and it’s just better to be safe than sorry. 

Having hybrid or online classes along with face-to-face classes is daunting and I know that personally, I’ve struggled keeping up at times. It’s a challenging time for all of us and I understand why some classes are online. It can just become frustrating at times because online learning is a lot of work. You have to be on top of things and ask a lot of questions due to there not being enough clarity.  

It’s been a pretty crazy year, but we’re able to overcome anything 2020 throws at us.