By: Cody Baumgartner
On June 20, 2016, Bryan Moses was pleased to accept the offer as head baseball coach at McPherson College. Andrew Ehling, McPherson College’s Director of Athletics, welcomed Moses by saying, “McPherson College is very fortunate to attain a coach with the experience and knowledge of Coach Moses. His values and expectations...
By: Karlie Sneed
With her kind smile and encouraging comments, Sandra Kay Johnson is Mac’s beloved woman of the caf who brings everyone rays of sunlight on cold, cloudy days. I was given the opportunity of interviewing Sandra and digging deeper into her past. Along the way I discovered her desire to treat others...
By: Tomi Simmons
“You just have to be able to always say yes to every new experience; that’s what I have learned anyway,” Zac Moran said. Hailing from Sydney, Australia, Zac is a junior at McPherson College, majoring in business. The past five years for Zac have been quite a ride; he’s traveled from...
By: Tomi Simmons
Recently, Beto O’Rourke has put up his campaign for the 2020 Presidential Election. He is the candidate we need for this upcoming election; not just because he would make a great president, but because he is going to change the way political campaigns are run. Beto is the 2020 grassroots candidate.
By: Mason Duffey
Former Congressman Beto O’Rourke has caught a lot of attention in the past year running against Ted Cruz for the Texas senate seat, where he lost by only 200,000 votes. This election helped boost him into the national spotlight. Recently, O’Rourke decided to run for president in the 2020 election. Many...
By: Kenzie Jansonius
Eight people were killed in a high school near São Paulo, Brazil after the nation’s second school shooting since 2011. Although the nation’s murder rates are sky high in comparison to other countries, school shootings are relatively uncommon. The two attackers, both former students of the school, opened fire on students...
By: Tomi Simmons
On March 16, 2019 terror struck two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. According to CNN, a twenty- eight year old named Brenton Harrison Tarrant was charged with murder. Officials found an eighty-seven page manifesto that contained anti-immigrant and muslim remarks. At least fifty people were killed and another fifty were wounded.
By: Kenzie Jansonius
A series of vandalisms and attacks have led French President Macron to declare that anti-Semitism is at its worst in the country since World War II. The nation has seen a 74% rise in anti-Semitic acts from 2017 to 2018. In 2019 alone, a cemetery has been vandalized with swastikas, a...
By Kenzie Jansonius
George Pell, a cardinal from Australia who served as an advisor to Pope Francis and the chief financial officer for the Vatican, was found guilty and sentenced to six years in prison for the molestation of two young boys after Sunday Mass in 1996. The 77-year-old is the first bishop to...
By: Alex Polakow
This past Saturday at CPAC, President Trump announced what can be seen by everyone as an unequivocal good. He announced a proposed executive order to promote freedom of speech on college campuses. This comes in the wake of the incident at UC Berkeley in which a recruiter for a conservative group was...