New Coach – New Squad











By: Toni Snyder

The Diamond Dog Spirit Squad closes its 2017-18 season with the announcement of new head coach Ashlee Annis! Annis istransferring to McPherson College from previously coaching our across town rivals, the Tigers of Central Christian College. Ashlee has an impressive background in cheerleading dating back to when she was the age of 4 and ending her senior year at Tabor College.

Since beginning her contract in March, she has already shown her commitment and hard work to the Diamond Dogs by quickly returning them to a consistent practice schedule and announcing their registration to cheer camp for the summer of 2018. The team will be traveling to Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin for a UCA camp beginning in late July alongside with known NCAA squads like the University of Kansas. At camp, the team will be trained and evaluated on things such as their stunting, pyramids, fight song, and overall game day spirit!

With Annis’ arrival, the squad has high hopes for an amazing upcoming year full of excitement and new skills that are sure to brighten the game day experience, as well as bring higher placements at competitions in the spring for the bulldogs. Under the new direction of Ashlee Annis, the squad is excited for the upcoming changes they are beginning to encounter for the coming year and can’t wait to show what the new and improved diamond dogs are able to accomplish by next fall!

If you are interested in being a part of this growing team, tryouts will be held on Saturday May 5th in the MC Sports Center! Registration will begin at 1:30pm, with tryouts starting at 2:00pm. More information can be found on the “McPherson College Spirit Squads” facebook page, or on twitter @MACSpiritSquads!