Defensive Football Coach Leaves, Big Shoes to Fill


By: Armond McCray

This month the McPherson College football team has been hit with some pretty surprising news about one of their staff members. It has been confirmed that Coach Peterson, the defensive coordinator, has resigned from the team. That’s right Coach Peterson has decided to leave McPherson College and has actually taken a new position at another college in his home state Iowa. I just want to start off by saying that although McPherson will miss him and what he did, I wish all the best of luck to him in his new tenure. I have heard around that he made this switch as a family move. Like I mentioned he is in fact from Iowa and wanted to get closer to home. So, when he got the opportunity to take a new job that would bring him closer, it was an opportunity that he could not pass up.

On the bright side though guys, Coach Peterson has already been replaced on the staff. We don’t quite know if this new coach will be able to replace all that Peterson did, but at least the job position has been filled already, by the newly hired coach Mitch Leppke. He is a McPherson College Alumni, having graduated in 2013, which means that he was indeed a part of the last championship team we had here at Mac. After he graduated he spent some time a few schools gaining the experience that got him to where he is now. I even know that he is actually coming off of a job at Wyoming College, which is a Division I program, which is quite impressive. So far from what I have heard the man has some pretty good experience for the short amount of time that he has been out of school. He has some pretty big shoes to fill but as long as his experience translates to his new role here I really think this might work out alright.