Anna Michelson Joins Sociology faculty  


By Phebe Lyne  

Over this school year, we have had staff members come and go, along with seeing some new faces. One of our newest members of our faculty is Dr. Anna Michelson, who is a sociology professor in Melhorn Hall. While Michelson teaches Criminal Justice, Sociology Theory, Family, and Introduction to Sociology. This is her first year teaching since she joined our staff here in McPherson in August 2022, along with it being her first full-time teaching position after getting her  Ph.D. She also taught three smaller classes at Northwestern University in order to get her Ph.D.  

    She chose sociology because she has an interest in how the world and our society works.   

    She applied to a job posting, then was given a campus tour after having a Zoom interview. Michelson chose McPherson since she enjoys teaching at a  small liberal arts college, and also enjoys the concept of a closed community.  

    As a McPherson resident, she likes to explore downtown McPherson, enjoys going to the coffee shop and playing disc golf with colleagues and friends. She likes having smaller classes, having one-on-one time with students, and hopes to be here longer as a faculty member. She is very happy to be a member of our faculty, as well as our other new professors here. Michelson is one of the many new staff members who has been welcomed to our college. If you see one of them, give them a warm, bulldog welcome, and let’s hope to see them continue to teach our students, both old and new, for many years to come.