A new normal


By David Ross

Due to COVID-19, there’s a lot of changes around campus but the most difficult part about school today is the social distancing. I’m more of a hands-on learner so not being able to be in class and ask questions and get shown examples makes it tough.

My college experience definitely took a huge turn following the pandemic. I was excited to be back on campus and get more involved with activities and clubs but with the virus spread it makes certain situations uncomfortable. For me, the biggest change of events has been the transition the football team has made to cooperate with the COVID-19 guidelines. We have to hold two different practices because our team is so big, we have to keep a mask on and its way harder to breathe with those on once they get all wet and sweaty. Our first home game was this weekend and everything was different from how they distributed water to the athletes, the seating, how many tickets were sold and so much more. These precautions have become the “new normal.”

I had a little COVID-19 scare earlier this month when I didn’t feel well. I had to quarantine and that definitely changed my social life at home. For those two days, I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything, my laptop was in one of my teammate’s car and he didn’t want to bring it over because he didn’t want to catch the virus but after the results came back negative, life went back to normal. On campus, my social life hasn’t changed much, I’ve always been the one to reach out to people and spreading the positivity around and I’ve still been doing that even though so much has changed for us on campus.

This is in response to Prompt #2 from Campus ReBoot, an interactive documentary in collaboration with the University of Hartford and other colleges and universities in the US, China, and Australia. For more information and to see other responses, please visit the Campus ReBoot website here: https://susancardillo.wixsite.com/campusreboot