‘New Year New Me’ Bingo kicks off 2018

Jonathan Dominguez and Calvin Cassida during SABs “New Year, New Me” Bingo
Kaitlyn Heinis concentrating hard on her bingo card.

By: Kody Bowden

To start off the New Year, the Student Activities Board (SAB) held a “New Year New Me” bingo. Students gathered together at the cafeteria in the student union at 7 p.m. to play for some new year new me prizes. Around fifty students participated as SAB member Ben Falconer called out the numbers, and SAB member Kylee Martin called out the winning cards. The prizes given out at this special bingo included several fifty-dollar gift cards and meal certificates. Kaitlyn Heinis, sophomore, won the ‘Crazy L’ round and chose the Amazon gift card as her prize. Other gift cards prizes included ITunes, Main Street Deli, Craft Coffee Parlor, Applebee’s, and more. Each round called for a new style of bingo to be played; it began with regular bingo and traded off every round with blackout, loser bingo, and other fun shapes such as an anchor. Sophomore, Micah Gilbert, took pictures of winner’s faces and prizes given out as the night progressed. The night ended with ten students taking home gift cards, and many taking home a fun memory. Past bingo game themes have included: Disney characters, where students played for Disney movies, cups, stickers, and games; as well as back to school bingo where students played for laundry baskets with laundry items, snack boxes with a movie and candy, a fit bit, and some assorted gift cards. Other SAB events include giant game nights, movie nights outside, and two-dollar movie Tuesdays. Look out for posters and emails about the next SAB events coming in February!