Meet Your New SGA Reps!


By: Taylor Cunningham

On Thursday, April 19th, 2018, the Student Government Association held elections for the following school year. An email was sent to all students with a link to vote. SGA elections closed Thursday night, and Advisor Ben Coffey sent an email out with results around 9 p.m.

SGA has been restructured for next year. The new structure includes six executive board positions, and six senator positions. Executive board consists of President, Chief of Staff, Budget Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Events Coordinators, and Historian. These positions were filled respectively: Brandt Wolters, Amanda Lolling, Rinaldo Gagiano, Diamond Blaylock, Taylor Cunningham, and Grant Barrett. The senator positions included Residence Hall Senator, Apartments Senator, Off-Campus Apartment, Student Athlete Senator, General Student Senator, and Auto Restoration Senator. Those positions were filled respectively: Billy Muhizi, Sydney Lang, Ilanna Moyer, Jake Tiernan, Courtney Weesner, and the AR Senator position is unfilled.