Me Too


By Tomi Simmons

Creating an outcry for those who had been affected by sexual assault, Tarana Burke molded the phrase Me Too in 2006. She did so to unify women of color together who had been victims of sexual assault and in hopes to make sure no one felt alone. On October fifth, 2017 there had been a statement released, regarding Harvey Weinstein and sexual assault towards several actresses. Following the string of sexual assault stories being released, actress Alyssa Milano tweeted on October fifteenth, “Suggested by a friend: “If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote “Me too” as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.”

Around 12 million women are estimated to have participated in the online postings. All around the world women posted #metoo, in hopes to unify and shine light on the travesty of sexual assault. In December Time Magazine named “The Silence Breakers” person of the year; this entailed the women who shared their stories of sexual assault and spoke out. The cover of the magazine featured, Ashley Judd, Taylor Swift, Susan Fowler, Adama Iwu, and Isabel Pascual. However to the right is a an arm of a woman with the rest of her body hidden. It is a woman from Texas who couldn’t relay her identity because of the impact it would have on her family. This was a symbol for the women who cannot say me too publicly because of the shame surrounding sexual assault.

During the women’s march of January 20, the times up and Me Too movement were very much involved in the organization and reason to march for women. There were over thousands of signs and speakers referring to the movements and an overall call for change to rid the stigma around sexual assault.

Within the past couple of months The New York Times has reported on specific stories that women in the spotlight have endured. In addition, during the Oscars, Jimmy Kimmel acknowledged the movements. Many who presented awards also made remarks towards me too.

Because of the New York Times perseverance to report on the Me Too movement  they were awarded the public service pulitzer prize. Overall, the newspaper shed light on sexual assault and the amount of times it is common among women. It inspired many to speak up and finally say me too.

These movements have become a base for where many stand when it comes to women’s rights.