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Sunday, March 16, 2025
Home Blog Page 50
By: Matthew Melchor On February 5, 2019, President Donald Trump delivered the 2019 State of the Union Address days after temporarily ending the recent government shutdown. With only three weeks until the government shut down again, President Trump’s State of the Union address was important. After watching Trump speak, he received this message; his tone and bipartisanship while also recognizing...
By Kim Hill The partial Government Shutdown began on December 22nd, 2018 due to lack of funds for Trump’s boarder wall. The shutdown affected about 800,000 federal employees all over the United States. Hundreds of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workers at multiple airports called in sick to avoid working without pay. Around 5,000 FBI staff and Agents warned the workers...
By: Taylor Perez Within the past few months, accusations against R. Kelly have been brought to the surface of the media. R. Kelly is a famous singer/songwriter who specializes in the R&B genre, one of his most famous and recognizable hits being Ignition. Multiple women came out to speak against R. Kelly in the new documentary “Surviving R. Kelly” which...
By: Kenzie Jansonius Twenty-nine suspects in conjunction to the brutal murders of seven children have been arrested in the Njombe region of Tanzania. The death toll continues to rise as more bodies are uncovered. Early reports show that the children were kidnapped and killed so that body parts, primarily their lungs and genitalia, could be harvested and used in witchcraft rituals...

Guilty Gardener

By: Kenzie Jansonius 67-year-old serial killer Bruce McArthur pled guilty to eight counts of first-degree murder on January 29th. The landscaper and part-time mall Santa Claus was caught red handed in January of last year when Toronto police went to his home to arrest him and found a man tied to his bed. After releasing the potential victim and getting...

Assessment Day

By: Tomi Simmons McPherson College is constantly trying to create a more inclusive and better student experience for the years to come. Faculty are planning for the future; this means assessment day. Through interview with Cari Lott in the dean's suite of the admissions building, it can be understood the necessities and purpose of the different assessment days. Specifically, February...
By: Chloe Jones Get Creative! Check out the McPherson County MakerSpace. McPherson has long been a town full of creative minds and free thinkers. For years there has been a want and a need for a place that adults can go to be creative. Well, we finally have it: the McPherson County MakerSpace. Before now, there was an ongoing conversation throughout the...
By: Karlie Sneed On February 10th, faculty, staff, and 2019 graduates were invited to a dinner to celebrate the 100 days left to graduation. This dinner began with a reception at 5:30 PM in Friendship Hall and the dinner portion began at 6 PM in Mingenback. Jamie Pjesky and Monica Rice acted as the co-hosts of the dinner, bringing both...
By: Cali Godwin Green Book, directed by Peter Farrelly, is an exceptional new film, that is sure to be a great way to start off 2019 in the movie industry. The true story film is based on a well-known African- American pianist, Dr. Don Shirley, who is going on tour in the deep south. He acquires an Italian-American to become...
By: Cali Godwin Does the color of our skin define us? Does it matter if we are black, white or purple? Do we really need to be reminded that black lives matter? Matter of fact, we shouldn’t need rallies and protests to be reminded. Do we need those reminders? Reminders to love every human to respect every human to equalize every human The color of our skin does not matter. Why should it Matter?