100 Days to Graduation Dinner


By: Karlie Sneed

On February 10th, faculty, staff, and 2019 graduates were invited to a dinner to celebrate the 100 days left to graduation. This dinner began with a reception at 5:30 PM in Friendship Hall and the dinner portion began at 6 PM in Mingenback. Jamie Pjesky and Monica Rice acted as the co-hosts of the dinner, bringing both Student Services and the Alumni Office together to conduct this brand new tradition.

The night began with the dinner’s co-host Jamie Pjesky’s welcome and introductions to the estimated 60 people in attendance which was made up of 40 graduating students, 4 alumni board members, and around 16 faculty, staff, and guests. Dr. Khalilah Doss, Vice President for Student Services, ensued after the initial welcome statements to give greetings, and following soon after Logan Schrag gave the invocation. Those in attendance ate dinner, and Glenda Sims, current Alumni Board President, spoke on behalf of the evening’s events. Next, Brandt Wolters, the Student Government Association President, shared remarks and Monica Rice concluded the evening with a gift of a diploma frame to McPherson College’s upcoming alumni.

Monica Rice comments on the purpose of this new tradition: “…the overall goal of the evening was to celebrate the work that the 2019 graduates have done so far, and then to help them to see that transition from student to alumni, and to get them excited about that and thinking about that transition in their lives.” When asked if this celebration will be continued for later graduating classes, Rice comments the following: “I anticipate that this is going to be an annual celebration… this was the first year, but this is a great start and so we anticipate doing it in future years.”

Rice notes that on May 8thof this year, Senior Fest will also take place where the seniors can, as she notes, “…pick up their caps and gowns, work out any details on their loan payments, make sure that all of their credits line up to be able to graduate… and it’s just the opportunity to kind of finalize all of those practical things for graduation.”