The Pound Gets a New Look 


By Eli Jordan

With the news of the 500 million dollar match endowment that was announced on November 4th, many students may be wondering if they will get to see the updates during their time here at McPherson College. But some may not know that it has already started. Over the summer, the gym in the pound was given new flooring as well as a few different new machines, on top of the equipment that was there before. The renovation of the gym has made it look cleaner, and given it a modern look. 

As well as a new gym to work out in, intermurals also bought new games and repaired ones that were already in the Pound to give students something to do in between classes, and at their own leisure. They brought in a foosball table, a basketball game, and a ring swing game. On top of bringing those in, they also repaired and bought the necessary accessories for the games that were already down there. Things like pool sticks, and a net and paddles for the ping pong table were brought in. Their goal was to make the Pound an area that students actually wanted to use, and not just a place people pass through on their way to the Cafe. 

The third thing that has been happening in the Pound is that the Student Government Association is turning the glass office into their workspace. If a student has an issue or problem that they would like to bring to SGA, they now have a means of doing so. SGA plans to have office hours like professors do, so students know when they can come by. The current plan is to have the SGA office ready to run by the beginning of next semester, with the hours to be determined once all the SGA officers set a schedule.