Top 10 Offices to Find Candy on Campus


By Lucy Bowman

It’s a well-known fact that candy can cure any ailment. Sugar has this magical power that makes every problem, no matter the size, suddenly disappear. So, in anticipation of finals week, enjoy discovering the top ten offices on the McPherson College campus to find candy!

Honorable Mention – Tricia Hartshorn, Dean’s Suite 

If you’re in the mood for a sweet snack, Tricia Hartshorn’s office is the place to be! While she doesn’t have candy, Hartshorn does keep a variety of snacks in her office for students! When you walk into Hartshorn’s office, you’ll find her famous Scooby Snacks in a bowl at the edge of her desk, along with a small bowl of mints. However, in an exclusive interview, Hartshorn shared that she also keeps protein bars on hand in case a student needs an extra boost of energy. 

#10 – Mary-Gere Bridger, Mohler 201

Our first stop is on the second floor of Mohler Hall where English Professor Mary-Gere Bridger keeps a small bowl of sweets near her office door. According to Bridger, the candy that she stocks is always a surprise. Right now, she has Jolly-Ranchers, but it often depends on what is on sale at the local grocery store. 

#9 – The Business Office 

If you’re craving chocolate, the Business Office on first-floor Mohler is the place to be. According to the Business Office employees, the small bowl at the front desk is always stocked with candy, and most of the time, it’s chocolate. Finances and tuition payments can be stressful, so the next time you stop by the Business Office, make sure to grab a piece of chocolate to make your visit that much sweeter!

#8 – Front Desk of the Admissions Office

When you walk into the Admissions Office on the first floor of Mohler Hall, you’ll always be greeted with a warm smile. But, if you know where to look, you could also be greeted by a quick candy snack! According to Kelly Olson, an Admissions Associate at McPherson College, the front desk of Admissions always stocks their infamous peppermints in a large jar near the front door. However, there is also a smaller, more secret stash of candy kept on the small black table further down the hall!

#7 – Communication Corner, Mohler 225 and 223

Typically, Dr. Julia Kuttler’s office is a great place to find a sweet pick-me-up, but as she is out most days on maternity leave this semester, students can also stop by Dr. Becki Bowman’s office! So, on any given day of the week, the corner with the Communication offices on second floor Mohler is always a good place to find candy! You’ll find Bowman’s candy bowl right next to a comfy chair–she currently has M&M’s, Snickers, Skittles and Starbursts. But be prepared–these are communication professors we’re talking about. Bowman said, “Expect to have a conversation with me in return for the sugar.” 

#6 – Jamison Center/Teacher Ed Offices

In the basement of Miller Library, the Jamison Center (better known as the Teacher Ed Offices) is a perfect spot to find candy on campus! When I stopped by, they had a combination of gummy candies and lollipops, but said that their candy collection often varies based on the season. According to Dr. Shane Kirchner, “In typical teacher fashion, we have candy left over from the holidays. So, right now, we have left-over Halloween candy. That will last until Christmas, and then the Christmas candy will last until Easter, and then when that runs out it’ll be All Schools Day!”

#5 – Jamie Fuqua, Melhorn 120

You might think it’s ironic for a health science professor to stock candy in her office, but Professor Fuqua always has a good stash. The obvious collection can be found on the edge of Fuqua’s desk in a small container. According to Fuqua, this container is always filled with chocolate. However, she also shared that she keeps a secret stash of gum that select students know about, and sometimes, she even has fruit snacks! This diverse collection of sweet treats is well worth a stop by her office in Melhorn 120, so check it up the next time you’re in the building. 

#4 – Ami Martinez, Mohler 215 

Professor Ami Martinez’s dedication to her students is apparent in her teaching style, so it’s no surprise that she has a plentiful stash of stacks in her Mohler 215 office. Martinez [1] [2] has snacks for every type of student. When asked what kind of candy she stocks, Martinez replied, “I typically try to be equal opportunity. I stock chocolate for the normal people and non-chocolate for the weirdos.” Additionally, Martinez keeps a not-so-secret collection of Pop-Tarts in one of her file drawers in case any of her students come to class without eating breakfast.[3] !

#3 – The Academic Advising Office

The Advising Office is home to some of the most unique sweets on campus: Mexican candy! If you need a sweet (or perhaps spicy) treat to distract you from the pains of finals, stop by the Advising Office on the first floor of Miller Library. According to Raquel Resendiz, an academic advisor at McPherson College, around 80% of the office’s candy stash is spicy. The most popular treats from this office are the non-spicy candies and the lollipops. However, if there’s something specific missing from the communal bowl, Resendiz often keeps a “secret stash” that she’s willing to share with students; just ask!

#2 – Shak Joseph, The Royer Center

In a collection that her colleagues lovingly call “Shak’s Snacks,” McPherson College’s Director of Housing and Residence Life, Shak Joseph, keeps a plethora of candies and snacks in her office drawers. When Joseph was asked what she keeps in this holy-grail of snack collections, she responded, “If you can think of a variation of a candy or a snack, it’s in there. Pretty much everything except freshly popped popcorn.” According to Joseph, she stocks chips, water, PopTarts, chocolates, and other goodies for students who need a pick-me-up. So, if you’re in the library studying for finals, stop by for one of “Shak’s Snacks!”

#1 – Billy Jamison, Basement of Beeghly Hall

At the top of the list is Mr. Billy Jamison’s “hidden gem” collection in the basement of Beeghly Hall. Beeghly, the older building between the Hess Fine Arts Center and the Hoffman Student Union, isn’t regularly populated with students, but that didn’t stop Jamison from creating the best candy collection on the planet. When Jamison was asked what types of food he keeps in his office, he said, “I’ve got chocolates, I’ve got mints for the office, I’ve got snacks, and I’ve got caramels for the diabetics.” This candy stash is hidden but worth it–Jamison literally has Walmart bags full of snacks, and his warmth and energy that he brings to his work is the cherry on top!

Be consistent. Above, with Kirchner and Bowman, you use “Dr.” Here either use Professor or don’t use any honorifics for anyone.

I use professor or Dr (depending on which is relevant) the first time I introduce, and then any time after that I only use last names because I thought that is what you are supposed to do in journalism

why are you taking away all of my happy !!!!!