Kansas Plate Hate  


By Edwin Buiter

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly revealed a new design for the Kansas license plate on Wednesday, Nov. 22, to widespread criticism. The plate design features a yellow background, blue stripe, two stars, and the motto “to the stars.” That’s it. The design, which is uninspiring, rightfully received immediate negative feedback from anyone who saw it. Many Kansas residents were vocal on social media, and opinion pieces criticizing the poorly thought out design and release have poured out. I believe that the talented graphic design students here at McPherson could have done a much better job designing the new Kansas plate. License plate collector, expert, and McPherson college professor, Chris Paulsen, laments the new plate design, stating, “After decades of colorful, picturesque designs, Kansas seems to have taken a step to a simple, more boring one that closely resembles the current New York Plate.” This wave of outcry was successful, with Kelly saying “we heard you loud and clear,” and announcing that the proposed plate design would not go through. The new Kansas state plate will be decided by a vote in a process yet to be announced. The reasoning for the new plate in the first place is for safety. The previous plate design was on an embossed plate, in which the lettering becomes difficult to read after about 5 years on the road. In 2018, Kansas switched to a printed plate, but many embossed plates are still on the road and deteriorating. The new plate would replace these embossed plates, and would serve to be more visible. The new Kansas plate, with its to be determined improved design, is intended to reach Kansans in 2024.