A semester like no other


By David Ross

This 2020 fall semester at McPherson college is definitely like no other. All of the new guidelines and procedures are from the McPherson County Health Department. It’s a must that the rules are followed so that the campus isn’t shut down and we continue to have class. All of the new regulations has made the school atmosphere completely different; you don’t see people out walking around as much and, when you do, it’s hard to tell who you’re looking at due to the mandatory mask rule. Face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the virus so I don’t mind wearing a mask because it’s beneficial. Since the semester started I’ve seen a bunch of changes, all of the dorm rooms are following new guidelines, the cafeteria has a completely new protocol when it comes to how the cafe is run, what can and can’t be done.

The training room rules made a 180 degree turn and there’s an excessive amount of signs all over campus reminding everyone to stay socially distanced and to keep your hands washed and clean. By following al the rules and guidelines I’ve managed to stay COVID-19 free, I personally think the President of the College and all of his colleagues are doing a great job; they said they had a plan and I think they’ve executed nicely so far. People who aren’t following the rules are being addressed and the right steps are being taken. I’ve witnessed athletes being told they couldn’t be treated in the training room after failing to comply with the mask rules. I’ve also seen students sent out of practice for not having a mask, so the rules are definitely being enforced.

The biggest challenge for me with all this is the learning aspect. One of my favorite professors can’t be on campus due to the virus. I have found dealing with online for part of my schedule is tough. I prefer learning the face-to-face style. On top of some classes being online and some not, our daily football schedule changed completely and does so weekly, so it’s hard trying to create a schedule and get on track when things are changing frequently, it’s interfering with my work schedule. Aside from all the stressors that have come from the new changes I feel safe and I’m glad to be back on campus.

This is in response to Prompt #1 from Campus ReBoot, an interactive documentary in collaboration with University of Hartford and other colleges and universities in the US, China, and Australia. For more information and to see other responses, please visit the Campus ReBoot website here: https://susancardillo.wixsite.com/campusreboot.