Senior Feature: Dorian Page


By Taylor Perez

          Dorian Page is a 26-year-old digital media major from Tucson, Ariz. Before attending Junior College and McPherson College for basketball, Page took a few years off in between school. “I’m a non-traditional student,” said Page. “I was living on my own with a full-time job for a few years before I came to college, so my appreciation for this opportunity, a free education and meal plan is hard to put in words.” For Page, McPherson has been a place that challenged him to grow, and he is grateful for the experience that those challenges have brought him. This year is the first year for the men’s basketball team to be led by a different head coach, T.J. Eskildsen. Coach Eskildsen has been a part of the McPherson College men’s basketball team for many years, however, this year is his first as head coach. “Playing under Coach E is perfect for me,” said Page. “I love it. Our team’s talent level, confidence and potential are scary, and we trust each other’s abilities this year.” Page’s biggest adjustment from Junior College to McPherson was the culture. “In Junior College, people mature much faster because they only have two years to figure things out. In four year schools, you get a lot of late bloomers fresh out of high school, so the culture difference sticks out most to me,” said Page. If you would like to catch Page and the rest of the team in action, the next home game is November 16, at 7 p.m. versus the Tabor College Bluejays.