Historic High Enrollment: Growth Within McPherson College


By Hannah McKay

          McPherson College has started off the school year with its best enrollment numbers in the college’s history. In the 2019-2020 school year, McPherson College has 753 full time students enrolled, which makes this the largest class that the college has ever had.

          The 753 full time students consist of 225 new first-time freshmen, one of the largest freshmen classes the college has ever seen. There are also 68 new transfer students and six readmits, giving MC a total of 299 new students. The largest recruitment class prior to this was 265. According to Christi Hopkins, the Vice President for Enrollment Management, this year is a record year for enrollment. She also says that “We have been on a steady incline in enrollment.”

          This incline can be seen in the records that the school has been breaking in enrollment. In 2006, McPherson College only had 177 new students compared to 299 the college has on campus this year. Also, in 2006 McPherson only had 468 full time students, compared to the 753 McPherson has this year. With a nearly 50% increase in students in the past 15 years, McPherson College could possibly see over a thousand students enrolled within the next decade.