April Counts, the New Assistant Professor of Education


By: Joyce Muhizi

April Counts has recently filled the assistant professor of Education position and though she is new at teaching at this level, she is taking it well by the horns. She has been teaching for 24 years, 18 of which has been with special education. The position at McPherson College was suggested by a friend, she went for it and is loving her new job. “Switching from teaching young children to college level is a big change but I like it” said Counts. April is a University of Central Missouri alumni and when asked what she enjoyed the most during her college years she said. “I loved going to the homecoming parades because all the fraternities, sororities and bands were in it. I just love going back and watching the game” said Counts. She also enjoys spending time with her family, watching movies and exploring new places. Besides taking the time to get on her feet and finding a tempo she has a lot she is looking forward to here. “I have already seen progress in the students in the few months that I have been here, it makes me very excited to see what we will achieve in a year or more” said Counts.