Segovia Comes Home to Continue Softball Success
By: Matthew Melchor
In August 2018, Athletic Director Andrew Ehling announced the newest hire in the athletic department: new softball head coach Tony Segovia. Segovia...
McPherson College Students’ New Years Resolutions!
By: Cali Godwin
Sam Nelson ‘19
“To change my relationship status from forever alone, to slightly desperate”.
Alex Parish ‘22
“To drink a gallon of water a day.”
Student Freedom Press Day
By Tomi Simmons
Today marks Student Press Freedom Day. Around the nation, student journalists are constantly pushing the envelope in their communities. However, this has...
Movie Review: A Star is Born
By: Cali Godwin
A Star is Born, directed and starring Bradley Cooper, came out into theatres October 15th2018. Since coming out, the movie has gotten...
Mac Updates: The Beginning of Something Great
By: Cali Godwin
Like many other organizations on campus, the Spectator decided to try some new things this past semester. The newest venture includes the...
New People: Dennis Schorb
By: Colin Parks
The transition for most McPherson College Freshmen seems to be going very well about ¾of the way through their first semester of...
Homecoming Cruise-in
By Mason Duffey
Homecoming weekend happens every October, it’s the weekend when past students and faculty come back to see the campus they once walked...
Flu Season is Approaching
By Joseph Robben
It’s that time of year again when the flu bug is out and about trying to make your life miserable. The flu...
Enslaved in Kansas: Sex-trafficking in Wichita
By Hannah McKay
On August 27 of this year, a son and father were arrested in the latest sex-trafficking sting in Wichita. According to an...