“Far Away” by Caryl Churchill, the final show of the season


By: Emmy Goering

The McPherson College Theater department presented their final show of the school year, “Far Away” by Caryl Churchill, on April 13th at 7:30pm in Mingenback Theatre. Although the play was only thirty minutes long, a large cast of 34 presented the show on the secondary stage in Mingenback Theatre. The play consisted of three scenes and a parade with a brief talkback after the show. The show’s thought-provoking content left a number of scenes up for interpretation by not only the audience, but also the actors. Liz Thornton, a thespian and Sophomore at McPherson College, reflects, “I thought we had a really successful season. We received amazing feedback. This is Rick Tyler’s retirement year, so it was important that we made it special.”