Julia Largent, the New Assistant Communication Professor!


By: Joyce Muhizi

Julia Largent recently filled in the position of assistant communication professor here at McPherson College. She brings with her great credentials and experience as well asand an intense interest in social media and pop culture. She grew up in the Church of the Brethren and deeply connects with some of the fundamental values of the college and the church such as peace and justice. She went to Manchester University, which is a sister school to McPherson College. When asked why she chose McPherson College Largent responded, “I wanted to go to an atmosphere similar to where I schooled, I was looking for a small, student-centered place. I appreciate the connection with the Brethren church and the ideals that are the forefront of not only the faculty but also the administration of the school.” She was a peace studies major who enjoyed being a part of many protests. Some of her fondest memories from college are working as the station manager at the campus radio station, and traveling to study abroad. Largent loves to play video games, watch Netflix, play with her cat and play board games.

“I’m looking forward to getting to know the students and opening their eyes to the different way that not only communication but also pop culture can affect our lives,” Largent said. She will be offering a variety of classes to implement this and is enjoying her time here.