Senior Spotlight: Ethan Huston 


By Eli Jordan 

While many students know about our more well-known sports, such as football, basketball, or baseball. One lesser-known team has found tons of success. Ethan Huston of the Shotgun Sports team has found a comfortable spot at the top of the leader boards since joining three years ago. The competition is based on shooting clay pigeons out of the air, and points are scored based on the performance. And Ethan Huston got to cap of his senior season in a special way. Huston came back to McPherson College from a national event in San Antonio in first place overall. When asked about this season, Huston said, “This season has meant a lot to me. Getting to go to Nationals in San Antonio and bring back an award has been the goal since I joined the team three years ago.” Ethan Huston will graduate in May as a Environmental Stewardship major.