Toby’s Tierlists: Top 5 valentine’s day gift ideas


By Toby Leffew 

Valentine’s Day, from my perspective, is one of the most polarizing holidays. A lot of people absolutely despise it, while some people love it. For some people, it’s a day to appreciate those you love, while for others it’s a day that comes with high expectations, loneliness and general annoyance.  

    Personally, although I can see why people don’t like Valentine’s Day, I’ve made a list of gifts you can get yourself, or maybe a special someone. These aren’t anything extravagant or fancy, but they’re special. After all, gifts should come from the heart! 

  5. Treats and Special Food-Stuffs  

What can I say? It’s a classic for a reason. It doesn’t have to be chocolate, or those crunchy heart candies (which are delicious, despite what the general consensus about them seems to be). You can give yourself, or the one(s) you love the gift of a special, delicious thing to eat, whether it’s their favorite kind of chips, homemade baked goods or a warm meal. If it is delicious and nice, it’ll probably be greatly appreciated.  

  4. Stuffed Animals 

Once again, another classic. 

    Let me tell you a little secret about getting your special someone (or yourself) a stuffed animal for Valentine’s Day. Unless they collect stuffed animals, don’t go for the big, Valentine’s Day specific ones. They’re nice, but they’re a little tacky and impersonal. Instead, try to find a stuffed animal of their favorite animal, it feels a lot more personal that way.  

  3. A Letter  

    Don’t get a card, write a letter. It’s more personal that way, and it could help you really express how you feel! 

  2. A Playlist 

    Consider this the modern version of making somebody a mixtape. Just put together some songs that you think they’d like, and you’ve got it. 

  1. Your Time 

    Yes, this is the best gift you can give yourself, and those you love. Your time is your most sacred resource, it’s all you’ve really got (and even then, that’s pushing it). 

  No matter what you’re gifting, I hope you have a good Valentine’s Day!