Press Release Provided

MANHATTAN, Kan. May 8, 2020— 4-H is built on personal interactions between youth and caring adults, and without in-person activities, Kansas 4-H and Rock Springs Ranch are facing the challenge of delivering 4-H in new ways. The COVID-19 4-H Resilience Fund was created to support the critical and immediate needs of the 4-H youth development program and Rock Springs Ranch.

A matching fund of $25,000 was established to encourage additional gifts and double the support given to Kansas 4-H. Foundation Past Chair Molly McVicker and her husband Earl and Foundation Chair Warren Weibert and wife Carol each gave $10,000 to the matching fund.

“The magnitude of impact Kansas 4-H has on our youth and communities is incredible,” Molly McVicker said. “It is vital that Kansas 4-H continues to provide educational opportunities during this time when youth are feeling the loss of other summer activities.”

Foundation Trustee Jim Gordon and wife Deb, long-time Kansas 4-H donors, felt inspired and provided an additional $5,000 to the matching fund for a total of $25,000 to be matched.

Over 70,000 young people experience 4-H each year across Kansas. Gifts to the 4-H Resilience Fund will support those youth through programming designed to reach youth at their learning level, support for our volunteer educators and new, innovative platforms to deliver 4-H experiences.

“4-H teaches youth life lessons like perseverance and adaptability – skills that are greatly needed at this time,” McVicker said.

To make a gift to the 4-H Resilience Fund, visit kansas4hfoundation.org/give/now.

The Kansas 4-H Foundation works with businesses, organizations, individuals and families who share a common desire to support a statewide effort of growing our future leaders. The Foundation is the 501(c)(3) fundraising arm for Kansas 4-H, the state’s largest youth development program, as well as Rock Springs Ranch.