Cars corner: Zach’s 2016 F-250 King Ranch 


By Israel Acosta 

The final installment of Cars Corner for the semester concludes with the story of Zach Petrie and his 2016 Ford F-250 King Ranch. This is not his first vehicle, but he said this was the first vehicle he feels that he made his own. 

 Petrie has done a number of modifications to his truck such as a lift, wheels and tires, a lightbar, a custom front bumper, a CB radio, a PA speaker, and an American Flag wrap. Many of you will most likely recognize his big ol’ truck driving through campus with its unmistakable American Flag across both sides of it, and Petrie hopes this is how you remember because there is “nothing like 22 feet of American Flag on your truck!” Petrie claimed the vinyl wrap of the flag is easily his favorite modification he has done to his truck. 

 Petrie’s three things he feels from his truck are 1) pure happiness from the enjoyment of driving it and using all of its mods for fun, like scaring friends at night with his lights and PA speaker, 2) a sense of patriotism from always flying the American Flag, and 3) empowered by all of the attention it brings wherever he goes. The truck is hard to miss, so it naturally generates responses from an array of people, good and bad Petrie claimed. Either way, Petrie always enjoys the attention whether it’s pure appreciation or a chance for him to break a political stereotype. 

   Petrie told me that this truck is truly a part of and a representation of himself through the modifications he has done saying “it’s one of a kind and it’s mine.” I think it is all too common for car enthusiasts to express themselves through their cars, and Petrie here is no exception. His truck keeps him happy while spreading a bit of patriotism, what’s not to like?