R. Kelly’s Downfall


By: Taylor Perez

Within the past few months, accusations against R. Kelly have been brought to the surface of the media. R. Kelly is a famous singer/songwriter who specializes in the R&B genre, one of his most famous and recognizable hits being Ignition. Multiple women came out to speak against R. Kelly in the new documentary “Surviving R. Kelly” which is streaming from multiple services, such as YouTube, Lifetime, Google Play, VUDU, and Amazon Prime. In the documentary, the women talk about their first encounters with Robert Kelly, and more often than not, the women met him when they were underage. The women discuss the incredibly vivid memories they have of R. Kelly, including sexual harassment, Robert’s very controlling and possessive tendencies, and many other disturbing stories. Since these women have come forward, labels have dropped R. Kelly’s music, other singer/songwriters have apologized for collaborating with him and made their songs unavailable to stream, and his net worth has dropped from $150 million, to roughly $1 million. It takes quite a bit of courage to speak out against an abuser, especially if the abuser is as famous as R. Kelly once was. Never be afraid to speak your truth, and speak out against sexual harassment.