New Grading Policy During Virtual Learning


By Tomi Simmons

Due to the pandemic around the world, virtual learning has become the curriculum at McPherson College. According to the COVID-19 FAQ page on McPherson College’s website, there are resources to answer questions about changes that relate to campus. Particularly, it addresses the new grading policy while classes are held online. Professors will use the grading scale of A, B, C, D and F for assigning the grades. However, once they are submitted to the registrar’s office for Spring semester, if one has a D, it will be converted to a “P” for Pass. It allows students who are struggling with the online curriculum to not harm their GPA. Students with A’s, B’s, C’s and F’s will earn those letter grades which will impact their GPA.

Students are encouraged to reach out to faculty if they are concerned about their grades and virtual learning. Tutors are available for meetings online and the Student Life Office has information for virtual counseling. Checking emails is vital during this time, as President Michael Schneider sends out campus messages. The Mac Happenings emails are still being sent to current students, too.

Questions about campus during virtual learning should be directed to the COVID-19 McPherson College webpage where updates from President Schneider and other important pieces of information are posted. Questions about the city of McPherson, Kan. should be directed to their website.