McPherson College Band Attends KMEA…Again!


By: Olivia Williams

Kyle Hopkins is known by many at McPherson College for his ability to conduct amazing performances. This year, the band has the honor of attending KMEA (or, Kansas Music Educators Association) in Wichita, Kansas. Hopkins is excited to be able to attend, sharing, “It’s a big freakin’ deal I’d love for the campus to know and understand more.”

The McPherson College band is honored to be attending KMEA for the fifth time in eight years, which is a feat that no other private college in the state of Kansas has been able to achieve. In an interview, Hopkins shared how proud he is of his band, stating that he’s thoroughly enjoyed the many performances and practices.

Hopkins is thrilled to make it to state because he wants the students to get the experience of going more than anything. He regrets that, in previous years, he was too anxious about pleasing other harsh band directors at the events and was too stern with himself and others. Hopkins honestly shared, “it’s taken so long to get to this mindset,” referring to the fact that he now does his best to put the students and their happiness first. 

Hopkins is working as hard as possible with the band to explore new opportunities. His main focus is to have fun on the trip, and maybe get recognition for his many students along the way. While he does hope the McPherson College band will work hard and play enthusiastically, he wants his band to enjoy themselves first and foremost. 

Interviewing Hopkins was fun, especially when he talked about how proud he was of the band. His pride for his program was obvious as he laughed and talked about how he can’t wait to be able to do this again in the future. Finally, Hopkins wanted to say a big “thank you” to all of the band kids, past and present, for being amazing people and always working their hardest.