One and Done


By Tyler Norris

The debate about lowering the age restriction for players to enter the NBA Draft has been a topic in the sports world for years,bull—-. So my advice to him is do what’s best for you and your family.” Cousins later added, “Obviously college has done nothing for Williamson at this point, you’ve proven you’re the number 1 pick coming out, you’ve proven your talent, get ready for the next level because it’s happening.” Denver Nuggets point guard, Isaiah Thomas took to Twitter to say that certain high school athletes should be able to make the jump to the NBA, along with stating that there is too much to on the line to be messing with college when you have a legit chance to become a professional. Atlanta Hawks point guard, Trae Young would go on to back up the statement made by Thomas. The Zion knee injury has sparked not only the fans, but NBA stars, to fight for the age limit to be lowered. Williamson is said to be the best college prospect since Michael Jordan. Whether Zion decides to sit out the rest of the year or not, this incident has grasped the attention of  NBA officials and are now considering lowering the restriction, allowing players to enter the draft from high school. This eligibility rule could very well be overruled before 2021. Regardless, this would not affect Zion, but would help prevent a future incident of the same nature from ever occurring. On the flip side, NCAA basketball could see a tremendous downfall in talent if the NBA turns to eliminating the eligibility rule. Ultimately, this is a big debate, and if the rule is removed, the basketball world will be changed forever.